Nosakhare Maurice Osatohanmwen
2 min readJan 9, 2022


How To Look Classy As A Twenty-something

Finding your style as a twenty-something can be a bit daunting. You would sometimes find yourself following the trend, or browsing the net trying to find a style that suits you.
The key to looking classy as a twenty-something is to stay true to your personality. The hack is to pick the style that best suits you. This can also include the colour of outfits you intend to wear, your personal style (do you prefer corporate styles, anything jeans, or casual outfits?), etc.

The five ways to look classy while staying true to your style preference includes:

#1 Use less jewelry

Less is more. In any outfit, it is always better to be minimalistic when it comes to using jewelry for most occasions, in order to achieve a classy look.

#2 Try monotone colours

Monotone colours can go a long way in making you look classy without trying too hard.

#3 Invest in quality clothes

As a twenty-something, try to save up to buy quality items. Personally, I feel alot more mature and classy when I wear quality items that are timeless.This way, I can dress up to any event without feeling under-dressed. Note that quality items sometimes do not have to ‘break the bank’, and can also be thrifted.

#4 Don’t follow the trend

Following the trend can seem like the fastest way to be stylish or fashionable, but it is the complete opposite. I remember buying a patterned Kimono, which was a fashion trend sometime ago, and whenever I went out, I would see one or two people wearing the exact same thing. I made the decision long ago not to follow trendy styles, unless the trend has ended or unless I really like the outfit.

#5 Buy timeless pieces

Again with not following the trend. Invest in timeless and quality pieces like jewelry, shoes, etc.
#6 Wear ironed and well tailored clothes
Wearing ironed clothing that fits properly is a reflection of good taste, so get to know a good tailor and utilize him or her often.

