Nosakhare Maurice Osatohanmwen
1 min readMar 9, 2019


Let's start our story from where it all began..

Children, gather so that you'll not be like your predecessors.

I want to tell you a story about rules and the invisible King named "Society"

In the beginning,He said 'Let man dominate and let woman procreate"

He also made other rules like 'follow poetry rules...'
Who cares?!
A person walks in and says 'I am woman'
And what do you see in a room filled with "MAN

Lowered heads,audible whispers,raised eyebrows,even eager eyes ready to ravish the new prey...

The King 'Society' has made it this way..
Woman cries;
We can't walk the streets freely,
We get blamed for encouraging the 'MAN
We can't speak freely in a room filled with "MAN"
We are to be shadows
Following orders and being beautiful and accomodating

I sometimes wonder what brought about the negativity and degradation to the word "WOMAN"

but we all know;
Our lord and master 'Society

I will not be shut down by Society!
To hell with patriarchy
I am woman and I will not wish to be otherwise
I am intelligent
I am a fellow human being
A co-builder of human life
I am woman

